Saturday, April 21, 2012


Back during the first weekend of January the theatre I work at had performances from Scot Bruce who is a young Elvis impersonator.
My coworkers and I had a great time working with Scot Bruce and his band and I was able to sneak a couple of shots during their performances.
(please click a photo to view larger)

Jacqueline Zebraskiin

Film Photos

Yesterday I got my photos back from being developed after what felt like 100 years (actually 2 full weeks), and I came to the startling conclusion that this was the first time I have developed film all year.

All 140 photos in their ultra-organized glory~

Isn't that nuts? It's April! Midway through April, now!
Freaking crazy.

So now I'm going to be pumping out photos so that I can have some actually recent/relevant work up and then I can shoot new stuff too!

Prepare for the onslaught~

Sunday, April 01, 2012


It's the first of April and it's an absolutely beautiful spring day!
And it has me super inspired to start things off with a fresh start~
First off, a new blog!
I know, I've had a thousand and one blogs but this is it, if I don't keep up with this one, I'm done, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to keep up with this one~ (:
Along with starting a new blog I'm going to be changing some other things in my life as well:

  • I am going to exercise daily
  • I am going full vegetarian and not just lame pescetarian (because I really ultimately want to go vegan)
  • I am going to take more pictures and do more for my photography (like get business cards and network)
  • get my to-do list at least 50% done! (there’s seriously like 30 things on this list so I hope I can get shit done)
  • save and make as much money as possible any way possible
  • stop slacking and being lazy and anything negative like that. only positive productivity with maximum motivation~*

And to get things started off on the healthy, motivated foot, here is the smoothie I made this morning.

There is an orange pictured but I didn't end up using it... Haha.
Bu there's vanilla almond milk, spinach, a frozen banana, frozen strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. It came out a really cool purple color and it didn't even taste bad! Haha, especially since I was just throwing stuff in the blender that sounded healthy. But whatever, now I have my servings of fruit, a serving of veggies, and my calcium for the day~

Well, it's already 1:15pm and I still have to clean my room, exercise, and then get ready for the Ariya show that I'm taking photos at tonight!

I hope you all enjoy your day and April!
See you soon~*

Jacqueline Zebraskiin