Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Autumn is probably my favourite time of year.
My birthday is in autumn~ (September 4th!)
The weather is always cool and nice~
And it's usually when school starts and I kind of like school, haha.

But now that I have an Arts Associates in Humanities from Mt. SAC,
I am going to take a year (or two...) off from school-learning and try out some of that life-learning~

So in an attempt to get myself going, I'm going to start running this blog full-force!
I'm going to continue posting photo sets but I'm also going to share other things, like vegan recipes and DIYs~

So I guess I'll give you some background about myself, as it will pertain to what I will post about.

I'm Jacqueline Zebraskiin~
I'm a 21 year old vegan from Los Angeles County.
I'm moving to the ~ fantastic~ Fresno County to live with my boyfriend and his family at the end of October.
My boyfriend is an awesome dude named Tyler Zebraskiin and we've been dating for 5.6 years!
That's so ridiculous, haha~
I'm Maid of Honor in my best friend Laurren's wedding on October 20th and I'm equally excited and infuriated by it all...
I love photography, especially film and analog photography.
But I'm just as equally skilled with a TLR and negatives as I am with a DSLR and RAW files. (;
I love to create. Just any form of creating is fun to me~
Whether it be sewing crafts or cooking food or making a music video, as long as I'm creating, I'm having the time of my life~

Well, I'd like to go get started on some "real" blog posts so I'll wrap this up here.
But I'm excited for you to learn about me, so I can learn about youuuu~ (:

Jacqueline Zebraskiin~

Monday, July 23, 2012


This was the first time I worked with Marquie after I have known her for several years.
This was actually back in March! I can't believe I'm such a slacker...
But we had a pleasant afternoon and we got some really great photos!

And I just had to save the best for last.
This may be my favourite picture I have ever taken.

A mixture of 35mm, Polaroid 669, and 120 film.

See you soon!

Jacqueline Zebraskiin

Tuesday, May 08, 2012


Victoria is probably my most frequent model and we always manage to create some gorgeous photos (even when the sunflower 'field' turns out to be a single sunflower plant).

This is a combination of 35mm, 120, and one Polaroid 669.
This was a great day and I am so super happy with all of the photos. And I can't wait to take pictures with Victoria again! (:

See ya later~

Jacqueline Zebraskiin

Friday, May 04, 2012


One of my best friends is Max. He goes to NYU and is someday gonna be a big movie marketer!
So I figured I'd take some pictures of him before he gets all famous and stuff and then he has Terry Richardson taking his photo~

We had a very nice hike in Pasadena and then lunch at One World Vegetarian and it was pretty legit~
Max will be graduating this May from NYU and that is so freaking awesome! Congratulations!
Now get your butt home so we can eat some tacos, burritos, and nachos~

Until next time!

Jacqueline Zebraskiin~

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Back during the first weekend of January the theatre I work at had performances from Scot Bruce who is a young Elvis impersonator.
My coworkers and I had a great time working with Scot Bruce and his band and I was able to sneak a couple of shots during their performances.
(please click a photo to view larger)

Jacqueline Zebraskiin

Film Photos

Yesterday I got my photos back from being developed after what felt like 100 years (actually 2 full weeks), and I came to the startling conclusion that this was the first time I have developed film all year.

All 140 photos in their ultra-organized glory~

Isn't that nuts? It's April! Midway through April, now!
Freaking crazy.

So now I'm going to be pumping out photos so that I can have some actually recent/relevant work up and then I can shoot new stuff too!

Prepare for the onslaught~

Sunday, April 01, 2012


It's the first of April and it's an absolutely beautiful spring day!
And it has me super inspired to start things off with a fresh start~
First off, a new blog!
I know, I've had a thousand and one blogs but this is it, if I don't keep up with this one, I'm done, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to keep up with this one~ (:
Along with starting a new blog I'm going to be changing some other things in my life as well:

  • I am going to exercise daily
  • I am going full vegetarian and not just lame pescetarian (because I really ultimately want to go vegan)
  • I am going to take more pictures and do more for my photography (like get business cards and network)
  • get my to-do list at least 50% done! (there’s seriously like 30 things on this list so I hope I can get shit done)
  • save and make as much money as possible any way possible
  • stop slacking and being lazy and anything negative like that. only positive productivity with maximum motivation~*

And to get things started off on the healthy, motivated foot, here is the smoothie I made this morning.

There is an orange pictured but I didn't end up using it... Haha.
Bu there's vanilla almond milk, spinach, a frozen banana, frozen strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. It came out a really cool purple color and it didn't even taste bad! Haha, especially since I was just throwing stuff in the blender that sounded healthy. But whatever, now I have my servings of fruit, a serving of veggies, and my calcium for the day~

Well, it's already 1:15pm and I still have to clean my room, exercise, and then get ready for the Ariya show that I'm taking photos at tonight!

I hope you all enjoy your day and April!
See you soon~*

Jacqueline Zebraskiin